Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Jonathan Cahn Fails: He Refuses To Recognize The Real Israel

This blog is a re-post of the original article posted on Hannah Michael Time to Think at

[ In deciphering the Shemitah, please refer to “The Shemitah Did Not Happen as Expected, Why?” by Israel Ben Barzle and Yehoshua Ben Barzle, featured on Before It’s News. This is a good article concerning the House of Judah, with which JAH agrees. The article goes into depth about the Shemitah and is well worth the read. This new post complements it; and was also posted on BIN for its readers. Followers of the blog will recognize much of the information, but may want to share it with others. ]

Much of what Jonathan Cahn discloses is true; and his harbingers are real warnings from God; but he is dead wrong on who is Israel. In fact, if he would recognize the real Israel, his insights would have far more relevance to America.

 In fact, if one takes the warnings from his popular book, The Harbinger as specifically warning True Israel, then they make perfect sense. America isn’t “paralleling” ancient Israel, because she, along with Great Britian, are really Israel.

His predictions for Israel aren’t about the Counterfeit-Jews who have stolen the Holy Land, or Vineyard, calling their “spoil” the State of Israel, formed by the cunning acts of men, wheeling and dealing to steal a prize possession away from the British [British means “man/people of The Covenent” in Hebrew]. And of course, they used “contracts” which is their form of Law, which isn’t Law, but legislation and policy. Yes, the devil’s advocates have replaced God’s Law and true justice with their corrupt commercial maritime courts, but that’s a whole other story.

God said if Israel did not KEEP The Covenant, our promise to be true to His Laws, Statutes and Judgements, then He’d deliver us into the hands of our enemies; we’d be slaves to them. Just because we aren’t on the Egyptian treadmill of “making bricks from straw and mud” to build rulers’ towers, doesn’t mean we aren’t a debt-slave, slaving away 9 to 5 for them. If one thinks this is bad; ignoring the warnings will bring on more oppression; and it will keep coming until we seek the Light; and DO and KEEP the Commandments, Statutes and Judgements of the “I AM”, period. This is ever-true and will not change.

To read the entire article please click here.

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